Thursday, January 24, 2019

Trusting that You will make all things right if I surrender to Your will

I've been slow to respond and trying to choose my words carefully.  I have been grieving the actions on the state of NY.  Sick to my stomach kind of appalled.  I know I'll not do this as eloquently as others, but it's heavy on my heart.  Friends, we cannot remain quiet any longer.  There is literally life at stake.  

I've had this article pop up on my news feed countless times the past couple of days and I want to take a moment to address the key points:

Title:  It is possible to be morally pro-life and politically pro-choice at the same time. <<<< I disagree, there are only two options-- you are either it for it or against it.  One or the other.  This is like saying, I'm not personally in favor of murder, but I won't interfere with anyone's right to kill a [insert person - my neighbor, the homeless, the disabled, a democrat, a republican].  Should we also remove the endangered species list while we're at it?  I'm not in favor of killing bald eagles, but I won't interfer with anyone's right to kill a bald eagle.  Or, I'm not personally in favor of breaking into a house, but I won't interfere with anyone's right to do so.  And, quite frankly, if it's someone's right to enter this country illegally, then I don't see why they can't just come into our houses?

Point:  There's far too much gray area to legislate.   That's just an excuse.  Like me saying, this accounting standard is too hard to implement, so I guess I won't [yeah, I'm an accountant].  My house is so dirty, so I think I'll just live in filth for the rest of my life.  If we just gave up when things were hard, where would we be?  My job is too hard, I'm not going to try.

Point: Abortion bans hurt some mothers who desperately want their babies to live, and I'm not okay with that.  I've heard too many stories of families who desperately wanted a baby, who ended up having to make the rock-and-a-hard place choice to abort because the alternative would have been a short, pain-filled life for their child. Too many stories of mothers having to endure long, drawn out, potentially dangerous miscarriages and being forced to carry a dead baby inside of them because abortion restrictions gave them no other choice.  <<<< The bill signed into law by NY literally requires you to kill a full-term baby and then deliver it.  You are forced to carry a dead baby inside of you no matter what with abortion.  We can't make the baby disappear.  Gosh, I can't imagine giving birth to a child that's only going to live a pain-filled life.  Can't even imagine.  All I know, is that I pray to God every night: 

God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference. Living one day at a time, enjoying one  moment at a time; accepting hardship as a pathway to peace; taking, as Jesus did, this sinful world as it is, not as I would have it;  trusting that You will make all things right if I surrender to Your will; so that I may be reasonable happy in this life and supremely happy with You forever in the next.

Point:  I am not willing to serve as judge and jury on a woman's medical decisions, and I don't think the government should either. <<<< Did we just eliminate the argument for government funded healthcare?  Also,  I guess we're OK acting as the judge and jury to high school students wearing MAGA hats?  Are we implying that pregnancy is a disease and abortion is the cure?  Please tell me, if so. 

Point:  Most importantly, if the goal is to prevent abortion, research shows that outlawing it isn't the way to go.<<<<< Using that logic, I guess we didn't need to outlaw segregation.  Or, I guess we don't need to outlaw murder or rape?  Why do we even have laws?  Further, we could move to the gun control argument here-- we're so focused on outlawing guns, but by this logic, I guess we shouldn't?

There's so many problems with these arguments-- when it all boils down to us scraping together excuses to make murder OK so we can all sleep at night.   And I'm sorry, it's not OK.  It's time to get vocal and put actions behind our words.  It is a matter of life or death and there's nothing in between.

Much love friends,

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