You may want to know where I get the Ricky & Lucy title from. But you will have to continue to read below to find the answer:
Escapade 1: Sunday Morning (November 7th, 2010) right before heading off to church:
I'm doing my own thing in our room and Rob yells from the kitchen.. "I'm starting the dishwasher!" I yell back, "Okay, dear!" I then continue to think nothing of this particular boring task. However, a few seconds (maybe a couple of minutes) go by and I hear running, a small scream (completely manly of course), and more running followed by deep breaths & these gurgle sounds.
I'm curiously listening, but I'm thinking, what is he doing? I think in my head.. he's started the dishwasher a million times before, it can't be that. As the grunting and the small screams continue, I think to myself... maybe there's a fire. I can't be sure.. so I yell out, "Rob.. what is going on?!" He responds with "Nothing, dear. Don't come in here!" I say, "Why?" He says "You don't want to know....just don't come in here"
Break story: you can already see where this is leading.
Continue story: Well, do I listen? Of course not. I'm thinking some pretty serious things here. Dishwasher is broken.. water pouring out everywhere, small fire, snake in the kitchen, tarantula about to bite. Is it any of those things, you ask?
No. It is not. I walk in to find... MASSIVE amounts of bubbles. Rob is currently trying to stifle them with a towel, running around almost like a crazy person torn between laughing like crazy & fear of what I'm going to do to him (as though I'm violent, as if!) Yes.. I did just say as if. But to continue on...
I'm like, "What happened?" Rob responds with "Well, love bug, I decided to sprinkle a little dawn in there too." Me: "Just how much Dawn dear?" Rob: "Just a sprinkle." (For those of you who know us, you know Rob loves to call me "love bug" why, I have no idea. He just started saying it one day, randomly. He is also very OCD about clean dishes).
And I'm not kidding about this... we are talking MASSIVE amounts of bubbles. This only thing happens in the movies. Did we miss church? Yes... we had to stay on bubble watch. I was too afraid to leave and then come home an hour later & find bubbles greeting us as we opened the front door. Aaahh it's the attack of the bubbles!
Don't worry.. the bubbles did subside. They truly only lasted about 15-20 minutes. No major damage to my floor and I had just one mega wet rug. Once they subsided, my Lucy decided to say, "Apparently dishwashers have a hole only for bubbles in them. Because water doesn't come out... only bubbles." He says this only after inspecting these "bubble holes" for 20 minutes (gotta love my engineer!).
Upon texting this story to my mom, she responds with "You guys are just like Lucy & Ricky!" And I respond with "Except Rob is Lucy and I'm Ricky!"
She said it and I decided it was a perfect fit. So, we aren't your traditional Ricky & Lucy. Rob is generally Lucy and I'm generally Ricky. I won't say that Rob is always Lucy or I'm always Ricky, because we definitely have moments where it is in the reverse. Really, I think it goes with Rob wanting to be Ricky but he then always turns into Lucy. I find when Rob behaves like Lucy the more hilarious the story is to tell.
So, that was escapade # 1. I don't have a picture of when this was all happening.. because kid yourself not, I was behaving like Ricky the whole time who would never pull out a camera while this was going on. I was too busy yelling "Robert, Robert, Robert....!!!!!" Or, in our case.. "Lucy! You got some 'splainin to do!"
Our "Bubble Machine"!!!! |
P.S. The story listed above is entirely true.
this is awesome. I love you guys!