Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Andrew's 8-Month Update!

Dear Andrew,

You are eight months!  You are getting so big and so busy!  Gone are the times that you used to happily just sit and play with a toy.  Now, you are EVERYWHERE.  Literally.  You figured out how to crawl like a big boy (no more army-crawl for you unless you get lazy) and pull up on everything.  You have even started climbing onto things!  How can it be?!  I feel like it was just yesterday we brought you home from the hospital.

We haven’t done just a whole lot of things this month.  Mom just wrapped up her busiest time of the year at work a couple of weeks ago.  Daddy had to put in a little bit of extra effort in the evenings during that time--- we love our daddy!  Speaking of daddy, you absolutely love your daddy.  He makes you just cackle and appeases you in every way.  You guys are great together.  He’s even started chasing you and you think it’s hilarious.  You like looking into mirrors and bumping your head into them—also something you think is hilarious.  We've been to the zoo where you were a real trooper-- you like being in the baby carrier as well as riding in the "big boy" stroller.

You still love to watch big brother and crawl over to him when he’s playing.  He’s trying to figure you out now that you can move.  He’s not used to you taking “his” toys and "touching" him.  You want to be just like him already.  But, I apologize in advance, for him being a little rough with you right now.  We’re working on it.  He’s learning to ask you for toys and you just look up at him and smile when speaks to you.  You also love to give him hugs at night.

You still only have two teeth—those top ones are nowhere to be seen right now.  You’ve also stayed pretty healthy this month—only one trip to the doctor for bronchialitis.  Basically, you have a cough.  It seems to come and go.  Otherwise, you seem great.  The doc thought you could put on a few more pounds (you were roughly 18 lbs at your visit) and I think you have!  You’ve been eating solids like a champ, though you don’t care for anything green.  Go figure.  Neither does big brother.  Or mom! ;-)  I’m willing to bet you are about 20lbs right now. 

We’ve lowered your crib to the lowest it will go so you can’t climb out.  I think you’d do it if you were able.  I can already tell you are going to throw caution to the wind.  You also put EVERYTHING in your mouth.  You will find the most random objects and start chewing on them.  Then you smile when we catch you.  You know better.  Gosh, you are growing up!  You’ll be toddling around before we know it!  I give it another couple of months.  You still don’t really understand the idea of walking—but you definitely like the idea of climbing!

I’m hopeful your helmet will come off next week!  We have an appointment on Monday—it was supposed to be tomorrow, 5/31, but the doctor had to reschedule.  Poo.  You’re going to have a learning curve though once it comes off.. no more banging your head around.

So, let’s see.. at 8 months you:

  • Wear 9 month clothes and weigh around 20lbs.
  • Wear size 3 diapers and poop 1-2x a day.
  • Drink 4, 6 oz bottles with the last bottle sometimes being 8 ounces.
  • Eating solids pretty well—although some days I think you’d just prefer to drink your milk and that’s it.  You are getting the hang of puffs, though!
  • Sleep from 8 at night to 8:30 AM on weekends (I still have to wake you up) and we wake you up at 6:30ish on weekdays.
  • Take 2 naps a day, with the longest nap being in the afternoon that lasts around 2.5 to 3 hours.  During the weekday, you still need that evening catnap in the car to boost your spirits at home.
  • Love playing on your little gym mat at home.  We’ll fold it up for you so you can climb on it and that really piques your interest.
  • Like splashing in water and don’t seem to mind water just running in your face (your brother hates water in his face).
  • Still suck your thumb when you need to calm down for a moment or when you’re trying to fall asleep.
  • Are a crazy person on the changing table—like you go bezerk with not wanting to stay still.  It’s both humorous and very frustrating.  Gone are the days where you just were still it seems.  Always want to be “doing” now.
  • Really enjoy sitting in your bath seat in the bath tub.  You’ll lay back and relax some and other times you’ll kick your feet and slash with your hands.  Most times you’ll be chewing on some toy that floats past you.
  • Are just overall a really happy baby.  You never cry it seems—and if you do, it’s likely because you’ve tried to unsuccessfully climb onto some object you shouldn’t be climbing.
Mom and Dad love you baby boy, always and forever.

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