You just seem to get bigger and bigger every day. You are full of so much energy it sometimes makes my head spin. Your smile lightens up any room and your laughter makes my heart full. This month has also been a big month for you. You've gotten three more teeth and are starting to eat some "people" food. You have also gotten bronchitis where you saw the pediatrician three times in three days. You have taken a few steps on your own, but for the most part you prefer to have someone hold your hand so you can walk around.
We also moved into a new house with so much more space! You now have the freedom of a backyard and love your new swing. You no longer swing in fear and will giggle and laugh. You've been back to the zoo (and not noticed really any animals) and enjoy opening every cabinet that mom tells you "no" too.
You have started to figure out right from wrong and will crawl over to what you are not supposed to climb on very slowly and look back, flash that million dollar smile, and then inch a little closer. It's so hard to say no to your sweet face. You really do have a million dollar smile and you flash it all the time. Your smile consumes your face and your eyes squint with the big ones. So, of course, we do whatever it takes to keep you smiling!
At ten months:
- Wear size three diapers
- Drink 4 bottles a day, 6oz each
- Eat solid foods 3x a day with real fruit given as a snack
- Love spaghetti and pizza (you are your mom's son!)
- Sometimes will eat chicken, steak, and other foods. You also like puffs and goldfish and any chopped up fruit.
- Sleep 10-12 hours each night. Usually from 8-6:30 on weekdays and 8-7:30 on weekends.
- Nap twice a day for about 1 to 1.5 hours at each nap
- Don't like to be rocked to sleep at night... you prefer to just fall asleep on your own.
- Wear 9-months clothes but your pants are usually too short
- Do well wearing shoes, but you still like to eat your shoes
- Don't sit still for more than 1 minute. You'll even just crawl about 2 feet sit for thirty seconds and then repeat. You are always on the go.
- Favorite toys are Scout (Dee Dee Nana's dog), chapstick, pens, stackable giraffe from grandma Kathleen, Tupperware containers, doors that open/close and your walker that you push.
- Love going on walks and being outdoors in general
- Struggle with separation anxiety. You don't like for us to be out of your sight.
- Love, love your daddy and him chasing you around the house.
- Can high five and wave. Your daddy gives you a high five and "blows it up" with you and you find that hilarious. He will just put you in the swing and give you high fives over and over again while you laugh uncontrollably. I love watching moments like these.
- Haven't missed a beat living in the new house.
- Have been to see the neurosurgeon again and there hasn't been much change in your head growth. It does look 1000x better, but it looks like most progress was made in the first 6 weeks. Though, the hospital asked to photograph you for some marketing materials. Everyone just loves your helmet designs that mom accessorizes your helmet with. We just moved to aviators and air force stickers.
- Will sit still if we keep food on your high chair and let you feed yourself. You do better with new foods if you give them to yourself instead of mom feeding them to you. You are getting so independent.
- Officially a pain when changing your diaper. You will not stay still. It makes for a very stressful diaper change and usually ends up with one person holding you down and the other person rapidly changing your diaper. Forget the diaper cream... we don't have time for that! I don't know how to make this better for both you and myself. Hopefully you'll grow out of it. But, its a terrible phase right now!
- A good car trooper generally. Your legs still push up against the seat, so I think you will like it more when you can face forward. We'll think about that when your a year old.
- Will drink out of a sippy cup (water only). I guess I need to start weaning you off bottles slowly. Aaahh.... I don't know how to do that!
- Have five teeth... three on bottom and two on top.
- Have had three different breathing treatments at the doctors office where you screamed bloody murder. Mom cried with you and when the doctor was examining you. Poor, little guy. You couldn't breathe. We also had to use the albuterol inhaler on you. I sure hope you don't have asthma!
- Have taken a few steps on your own, but much prefer to hold on to something when walking
- Take off like a nascar racer on your walker. You haven't mastered moving around objects or turning yet. You do best when its a straight shot. :-)
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This is the smile that I love. You do it all the time. I'm also glad the swing no longer scares you. |
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Happy Easter! Your face... priceless. |
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