Sunday, March 29, 2015

Parker's 9-month Update!

Dear Parker,

Oh what fun you are!  You giggle and laugh all the time.  You absolutely love being outside.  We are all really enjoying the longer daylight hours.  This means we can resume some nightly walks!  You still love your wagon and also your trike! 

This month has really been more of the "same."  You crawl around and cruise like you've been doing it your whole life.  You have taken some steps but that really seems to scare you.  If we try to get you to do it again you just become zombie-like and refuse to stand.  You don't sit still for more than 30 seconds.  Even if that means you craw like 1 foot and then sit for 30 seconds and then go back to where you were.  You're a mess!  Quite exhausting!

The helmet does not seem to bother you one bit.  I feel like your roundness has sort of "stagnated" here in the past few weeks.  I'm sure it will start rounding out a bit more; just have to wait for a big growth spurt.

You said "ma ma" one time.  Not to be repeated.  But, even dad heard you, so I have proof!  But, for the most part you just say "ba."  You're whole face lights up when you smile.  You love it when dad chases you around the house on his knees.  How you giggle, so! I love watching you two together.  I also love hearing you two.  Your dad is always trying to teach you new things.  When I'm in the other room, I can just hear him saying, "look here Parker.  This is how you do it.  You go [....]."  It's so great.  You love your dad.  I'd say this month you have been more of a "daddy's boy" instead of a "mama's boy." 

You have started to have real separation anxiety when I drop you off at daycare.  This breaks mom's heart, sweet boy.  It's so hard to leave you in the morning.  But, I know you are in good hands.  Here's what you have been up to this month:

  • You sleep 10-12 hours a night (usually 10-11 hours) from about 8 to 6:30.. when we wake you up.  If left alone, you'll sleep to about 7:45 or 8.
  • Drink 4 bottles a day ranging from 6-7 oz and eat 3 meals a day.  You also like puffs and yogurt bites.  You love pizza and anything with tomato sauce (that's my boy!).  You still struggle with different textures.  You love baby food, but if I give you "real" food, you still struggle to swallow it.
  • Wear 6-9 month clothing.  Still long and lean, buddy!
  • Weigh 19.5 lbs and are 29 inches long.
  • Enjoy bath time
  • Fall asleep at night all on your own w/o me rocking you to sleep.
  • Starting to warm up to the swing at the park.  At least you are cringing when we give you the first push.
  • Wear shoes!  Well, that's a bit of an overstatement.  Daycare said I had to start bringing you in shoes b/c you are all over the place.  So, you have shoes.  I put them on before we get in the car in the morning and usually neither shoes makes it on your foot into daycare.  Their problem, not mine. 
  • Got your third tooth on the bottom.  We're still waiting for those top ones to come down.  I did see them, but it looks like they went back up for the time being.
  • Crawl everywhere and cruise like you were made for walking.  It's only a matter of time before you are walking!
  • Enjoy playing with anything that is not a toy including mom's purse, mom's shoes, mom's earrings, mom's camera, hangers, remotes.  You get the drift...
You are so much fun, baby boy!!  I can't believe only three months left until you are one!  You bring us so much joy and I can't wait to see you learn and discover more new things.

Mom and dad love you, sweet baby boy... always and forever.

1 comment:

  1. This is a wonderful project, and very similar to what we have tried to do here:
